Tuesday, September 10, 2024

School song

Teach me thy best, that all the world may know,
What it is, to have come from thee.
Teach me that I, into the world may go,
Struggling ever for thy fame Igbobi.

Give me a torch which shall shine
And pour on all afar and near its radiance divine,
Let hill and vale these tidings bear
Wherever there’s an Igbobian
There also is a noble Nigerian

Teach me the word of God mighty to save,
Everyone from lure of sin and sty.
Teach me that I may grow up kind and brave,
Self-denying for the poor and needy.

Refrain: Give me a torch …

Give me such knowledge necessary for bliss,
As will make my life’s career a jewel.
Not only subjects called humanities,
But those called the sciences must join in.

Refrain: Give me a torch …

Teach me those habits of a gentleman,
As will make me clean and quick and clear.
Teach me to play my part well in a plan,
And in sports to win or lose with fair cheer.

Refrain: Give me a torch …

So shall it be that, having learnt thy best,
I shall proudly claim to have come from thee,
And when from thee into the word I’ve pressed,
I will struggle for thy fame, Igbobi.

Refrain: Give me a torch …